Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kool-Aid Junkie

I haven't written in a few days. I'm feeling in the mood now. The kids all seem semi content, so maybe I can finish this sentence before I have to get up again.

We've all been sick. We all have colds. It's horrible!! My poor kids. They've not been feeling well at all. Me neither. I sound like Kermit the Frog and look like I'm addicted to snorting cherry Kool-Aid. Ew.

I have gotten like 10 messages about bookmarking my blog and 4 followers. SWEET. I am definitely the coolest kid in school now. Ok, not really, but it's fun to pretend. Yes?

Last week was interesting. Noah is doing well in school, all but for a few things. Which, by looking at the daily progress report I basically asked for, has to do with him not being able to participate like the other kids in recess. It seems his few problems come at that time of day. Can I blame him, really? No. I'd be frustrated too if I was 5 and had to watch the other kids do everything I could not. I talked to the school though, I hunted down the Principal and Vice Principal by the PARKING LOT the other day because I hadn't heard anything after the initial contact. After that day they finally got a hold of the district nurse with whom I talked with Friday. I told her I found it unacceptable and emotionally damaging that he be restricted in that way during recess. So she's going to talk to administration. She wanted to know if I still wanted to have a sit down meeting, I told her no....IF they could come up with a solution that I found to be acceptable to Noah's needs. But he's doing good. Super smart as always. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's getting bored. He got to bring home his very first library book though, so cute!!

Abby has been really restless without Noah during the day. She just walks around and stares at things. So we've been doing stuff during the day before nap time. She is my absolute favorite kid to watch movies with, one of my favorite all together too. She will sit down and watch an entire movie with me and we'll talk about it and shout at the TV together the entire way through it. But she doesn't talk during the good parts. Haha. She is my " Chick Flick, snack eating" buddy.

Now. The babies. Lord knows I love them, but they are already treading in the "terrible two's" water this week. Driving me absolutely BONKERS. They don't want to sleep at night since Daddy left, they insist on doing absolutely disgusting things. But they're so damn cute at the same time. Between them, and Noah. I am so tired. So, so, very tired. However, the last day or so due to being sick they've been sleeping HARD.

Speaking of. I am going to go on vacation. I told Jerry that I need to just go relax somewhere for a week ( I've NEVER left my kids for that long, so I feel bad even thinking it. I hardly even go out for an evening with Jerry). I was thinking Nor Cal. Since we've basically decided to go somewhere else this summer for family trip. It's too far for Noah to go in the car with his leg getting stiff like it does. So next summer I'm going there to spend a week on the coast, and we as a family can just do camping locally. Sounds good. A bag of books,hotel on the beach, a bottle of wine, and beautiful Norcal for a week. Yes, please! It'll be nice if I could see a few old friends too. This would also give me an excuse to break out my old hoodies. Haha. I miss wearing sweatshirts, as weird as that is. I haven't been able to wear any very much since moving here.

Well, I actually started this blog a few days ago and don't want to make it too long. So I'll cut it off now and probably write another since we're stuck in bed for the most part.

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