Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of School

Noah did NOT want to wake up this morning. He gave me my first " I don't want to go to school! *insert the act of rolling over and going back to sleep* " this morning. lol But once he was awake, he ate most of his breakfast with Abby and got ready. He held my hand and walked right up to the school without so much as a fuss.

Anyways. I like Noah's teacher so far. She really seems to care about the kids.

However, what in the hell happened to being able to walk your kid into class? I think if your kid isn't crying and you're quick you should be able to walk him/her in.

Oh...and no cupcakes on special occasions. PFFT! Call me Little Miss Sweet Tooth, but cupcakes and goodies on special occasions are essential! Who remembers cupcakes at school? The not so frequent treat? Those are some fond memories right there! No cupcakes in class...what an atrocity. And this is coming from the "anti-high fructose corn syrup, soda is a rare treat, etc" Mom.

Ok, maybe I'm being slightly dramatic. It's been an emotional week, and day. I feel better now.

Anyways. Noah was really brave this morning. He did so good. I, of course, cried after I got about 1/4 the way home. I feel like I'm in school again. I kept checking the clock to see what time it was. I could not wait to go pick him up!!! lol. Oh and my phone? I always call it my "extra limb" when Jerry's gone. Today I carried it EVERYWHERE until I picked him up. Even if I could hear it from where I was. If you can't find me this week, I'll be the one rocking back and forth in the corner with my phone. Kidding.

When I picked him up, he ran over and hugged me. He said he liked school, but "teacher got mad at him". From what we gathered, he didn't want to come in from recess when she told him ;) Sounds like Noah, always wanting to play. There are other things that went on regarding his Perthes. But I don't want to talk about that today. I want to begin to find a solution to this new issue, and today is an exciting day for Noah, Perthes or not.

He's excited to go back to school tomorrow. That's good! Me though? I am already looking forward to having him home for the weekend. I told Jerry that I was pathetic because I already couldn't wait for Christmas vacation.

Abby and I napped while Noah was at school. Well, after she crept down the hall, poked holes in apple sauce cups, and sucked em' down. lol.

So, yesterday I went to the store. Bought 2 cheapo movies from ROSS. Noah opens his Fairly Oddparents movie, and there is NO DVD in it. Whatever, rude. I open mine. And the WRONG DVD is in it. Something about old men and wine for dinner? Definitely not the chick flick I expected. Guess yesterday was just not my day for movies. Or anything else for that matter. Like sleep. The babies schedule is HORRIBLE right now. No matter what I do, something has to happen that wakes them up. They then stay up until an hour or two before the other 2 get up. Either that, or despite pants, backwards diapers and tape, they some how find a way to get them off and play in their (TMI) excrement several times a night. 6 SEPARATE TIMES last night. ( Picture me shuddering in repulsion) I was so tired. 1 hour of sleep in 2 days just did not cut it.

Hopefully they'll sleep tonight and getting them all ready in the morning will not be too difficult.


  1. My childhood development prof in college told us that would happen;half the class turned green. I laughed because being a babysitter, I had seen it before. It isnt fun. sorry......
    I hope things get a little more stable soon....

  2. Thank you!! Yeah. Not fun. They do it alllll the time after they're supposed to be asleep. Oh well, it could be worse. At least Abby stopped doing it. lol.
