Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Kool-Aid Junkie
We've all been sick. We all have colds. It's horrible!! My poor kids. They've not been feeling well at all. Me neither. I sound like Kermit the Frog and look like I'm addicted to snorting cherry Kool-Aid. Ew.
I have gotten like 10 messages about bookmarking my blog and 4 followers. SWEET. I am definitely the coolest kid in school now. Ok, not really, but it's fun to pretend. Yes?
Last week was interesting. Noah is doing well in school, all but for a few things. Which, by looking at the daily progress report I basically asked for, has to do with him not being able to participate like the other kids in recess. It seems his few problems come at that time of day. Can I blame him, really? No. I'd be frustrated too if I was 5 and had to watch the other kids do everything I could not. I talked to the school though, I hunted down the Principal and Vice Principal by the PARKING LOT the other day because I hadn't heard anything after the initial contact. After that day they finally got a hold of the district nurse with whom I talked with Friday. I told her I found it unacceptable and emotionally damaging that he be restricted in that way during recess. So she's going to talk to administration. She wanted to know if I still wanted to have a sit down meeting, I told her no....IF they could come up with a solution that I found to be acceptable to Noah's needs. But he's doing good. Super smart as always. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's getting bored. He got to bring home his very first library book though, so cute!!
Abby has been really restless without Noah during the day. She just walks around and stares at things. So we've been doing stuff during the day before nap time. She is my absolute favorite kid to watch movies with, one of my favorite all together too. She will sit down and watch an entire movie with me and we'll talk about it and shout at the TV together the entire way through it. But she doesn't talk during the good parts. Haha. She is my " Chick Flick, snack eating" buddy.
Now. The babies. Lord knows I love them, but they are already treading in the "terrible two's" water this week. Driving me absolutely BONKERS. They don't want to sleep at night since Daddy left, they insist on doing absolutely disgusting things. But they're so damn cute at the same time. Between them, and Noah. I am so tired. So, so, very tired. However, the last day or so due to being sick they've been sleeping HARD.
Speaking of. I am going to go on vacation. I told Jerry that I need to just go relax somewhere for a week ( I've NEVER left my kids for that long, so I feel bad even thinking it. I hardly even go out for an evening with Jerry). I was thinking Nor Cal. Since we've basically decided to go somewhere else this summer for family trip. It's too far for Noah to go in the car with his leg getting stiff like it does. So next summer I'm going there to spend a week on the coast, and we as a family can just do camping locally. Sounds good. A bag of books,hotel on the beach, a bottle of wine, and beautiful Norcal for a week. Yes, please! It'll be nice if I could see a few old friends too. This would also give me an excuse to break out my old hoodies. Haha. I miss wearing sweatshirts, as weird as that is. I haven't been able to wear any very much since moving here.
Well, I actually started this blog a few days ago and don't want to make it too long. So I'll cut it off now and probably write another since we're stuck in bed for the most part.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Kissing Hand
Been a few days. I just haven't really had much time to write. But now I do!
I survived hell and back this morning. Or should I say, school with 4 kids and back? Basically the same thing, lol. We got there JUST in time. Abby was of no help. I hold Noah's hand, he holds her hand, and I push the stroller with the other. Thus creating a little chain. Well, Abby was messing up the flow. She was seriously going SO slow. Like, 1 footstep=1 inch slow. So I say " Abby, hurry up please!" she informs me " I not Abby, I patta-pillwer!" Apparently because she decided to be a caterpillar this morning, she couldn't possibly hurry. Why couldn't she be a butterfly this morning? Eh eh? Noooo. Had to be a patta-pillwer.
But we're home and relaxing now.
Noah is doing ok. He had a bit of a meltdown the other day. But we worked through it. I talked to his teacher. She says he's smart, and a good boy, but doesn't really want to stop doing activities sometimes when asked. She told him it was time to stop coloring, to do something else, and he got upset. He's an overachiever, what can I say! Nah, but really, I have that problem with him at home too. He is super smart, super loving, but I do admit he has a tendency to be a bit stubborn when he wants to continue doing whatever he's doing. Don't most kids though? So this weekend we worked on doing what he was told immediately.
He's a little resentful about his Perthes. He's actually been pretty damn good about the whole thing considering his whole way of life was just disrupted though. The thing I was upset about last time that I didn't want to mention until I got on the path to correcting the issue, was what they've had Noah doing at recess. They've had Noah sitting on the asphalt in the corner by himself playing with blocks alone, while the other kids play on the playground right in front of him. To me, this is not the answer. I understand that they're not entirely sure what to do with him, since they haven't had a kid with Perthes at the school before, but that isn't very fair or healthy for a 5 year old. When my son bites his lip so hard trying not to cry in front of people about being left out, it bleeds? There is something that needs to change. So I talked to the Vice Principal and at some point this week I'm going to sit down with her and the District Nurse to discuss alternative options. I don't want him being alienated. The blocks ARE better than, say, being sent to the library during recess. But he is not an invalid. He can still play with the other kids, he just has to be careful and monitored more closely.
Anyways. Speaking of school. I got my FIRST Kindergarten craft from him!!! I was so proud, lol. They read a book called 'The Kissing Hand'. Apparently in the book, the Mommy kisses her child's hand and when he misses her, he presses his hand to his cheek. So he made me a kissing hand. See? Isn't that cute??

Well, the twins are good. I've been trying to get them back on schedule. I refuse to let them nap at all past a certain time. And if that means singing show tunes in a Fran Drescher voice to irritate them enough to keep them up, than that's what I'll do. Ok, I have been doing that already. They look at me like I have 4 heads and they want to punch me.
So...think I'm going to go have more coffee now. Cup number 3, here I come!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Morning from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks.
Last night was good. The babies didn't sleep hardly. But I got everything ready to go to school but the stroller, and one or two other things. No biggie. Well, guess who climbed in bed with me and laid on top of my phone? Noah. I couldn't hear the alarm going off until he rolled over. We were going to be late to his second day of school. So I manage to haul butt to get everything done when Noah says his stomach hurts, I won't give you TMI. But what usually happens when your stomach hurts? Yeah. So I figure he's just stressed being new to school and all. So we get in the car and he seems ok. Abby would NOT get into her car seat. She just wouldn't do it. She hit me and kicked me, arched her back so I couldn't buckle her in her car seat. By that point Noah was crying saying he wanted to go to school and I noticed he was holding his stomach.
So I take Abby out of the car and she throws the biggest tantrum. Throwing herself face down on the driveway. Noah says his tummy still hurts. So we stayed home, good thing, Noah had "issues" for a better part of the day. But my neighbor did come over and offer to help when she heard Abby screeching like a banshee. I have wonderful neighbors, all of them are truly great.
I just have to remember, when I'm stressed, the kids can tell. And they know changes and things have been happening too. They're smart. So I need to be patient.
I don't normally ask for, or accept help, unless it's Jerry or my Mom. I'm prideful, I have been since I had Noah. I wanted to show the world I could do everything all by myself and prove I wasn't the stereotypical young Mom. I need to learn it's ok to ask for help every so often. Especially with everything going on right now. So I think I'm going to take my neighbor up on her offer to watch the girls in the morning while I run him to school.
I think I'll write another blog tonight with everything else, I don't want to sound all negative all the time. lol.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First Day of School
Anyways. I like Noah's teacher so far. She really seems to care about the kids.
However, what in the hell happened to being able to walk your kid into class? I think if your kid isn't crying and you're quick you should be able to walk him/her in.
Oh...and no cupcakes on special occasions. PFFT! Call me Little Miss Sweet Tooth, but cupcakes and goodies on special occasions are essential! Who remembers cupcakes at school? The not so frequent treat? Those are some fond memories right there! No cupcakes in class...what an atrocity. And this is coming from the "anti-high fructose corn syrup, soda is a rare treat, etc" Mom.
Ok, maybe I'm being slightly dramatic. It's been an emotional week, and day. I feel better now.
Anyways. Noah was really brave this morning. He did so good. I, of course, cried after I got about 1/4 the way home. I feel like I'm in school again. I kept checking the clock to see what time it was. I could not wait to go pick him up!!! lol. Oh and my phone? I always call it my "extra limb" when Jerry's gone. Today I carried it EVERYWHERE until I picked him up. Even if I could hear it from where I was. If you can't find me this week, I'll be the one rocking back and forth in the corner with my phone. Kidding.
When I picked him up, he ran over and hugged me. He said he liked school, but "teacher got mad at him". From what we gathered, he didn't want to come in from recess when she told him ;) Sounds like Noah, always wanting to play. There are other things that went on regarding his Perthes. But I don't want to talk about that today. I want to begin to find a solution to this new issue, and today is an exciting day for Noah, Perthes or not.
He's excited to go back to school tomorrow. That's good! Me though? I am already looking forward to having him home for the weekend. I told Jerry that I was pathetic because I already couldn't wait for Christmas vacation.
Abby and I napped while Noah was at school. Well, after she crept down the hall, poked holes in apple sauce cups, and sucked em' down. lol.
So, yesterday I went to the store. Bought 2 cheapo movies from ROSS. Noah opens his Fairly Oddparents movie, and there is NO DVD in it. Whatever, rude. I open mine. And the WRONG DVD is in it. Something about old men and wine for dinner? Definitely not the chick flick I expected. Guess yesterday was just not my day for movies. Or anything else for that matter. Like sleep. The babies schedule is HORRIBLE right now. No matter what I do, something has to happen that wakes them up. They then stay up until an hour or two before the other 2 get up. Either that, or despite pants, backwards diapers and tape, they some how find a way to get them off and play in their (TMI) excrement several times a night. 6 SEPARATE TIMES last night. ( Picture me shuddering in repulsion) I was so tired. 1 hour of sleep in 2 days just did not cut it.
Hopefully they'll sleep tonight and getting them all ready in the morning will not be too difficult.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Calm Before the Crazy
So today I'm relaxing and doing a bit here and there before Noah starts school later this week. I have to get down to the hospital tomorrow to get a doctors note for the school so they're aware of the Perthes and that Noah is on restricted activity. My cousin found out what class he was in for us since I haven't had time to get over there. ( She also brought him a "gears set". He was super excited) So exciting that he's going to start school! But sad at the same time. Not only because he's growing up, but because his first year of school isn't going to be the way every parent imagines it for their kid. I'm not going to think about it on his first day though.
It could be worse. That's what some people keep saying to me, anyways. They're right in a way. It COULD be worse. It could be much worse. I'm so thankful it's not. But this is still a serious disease and it it's proving to be difficult for him already.
My Cousins and Mom came over last night to hang out. That was nice. My Mom bought Noah a little table and chairs for his room, art activity sets, legos and other things he could do to keep him busy. She also brought more snacks that promote bone growth. Noah played with my cousin's son last night, he loves to play with him. He started getting mad after a while though. He is getting pretty angry about not being able to run and jump, plus he was tired.
My Mom also brought me some clothes to cheer me up and the girls stuff to play with. One thing being a massive horse for Abby. It's stuffed and like 5 feet long. It has a saddle and a bridle. It's huge! I want to play with it...Think Abby will mind? LOL!
Today we're on day 2 of no more bottles for the girls. Oh my Gosh. You'd think I took their livelihood away! They're so mad at me. They keep throwing their cups at me. Then they proceed to throw themselves face down on the floor and kick and scream. Sorry charlies! I am a mean mama. I'm the Mom that gives them 1 month after they turn 1 to kick the bottle and formula. Well, formula is long gone, and now bottles are no more.
I guess I should get going. I'm feeling more inspired now. We got Noah's room clean and organized ( for the 3rd time this week lol) last night, I super cleaned the kids' bathroom, most of the dishes are done and my mama helped me get the laundry put away. So I don't feel like procrastinating as much. But I'm sure I will for an additional half hour after this. I have a bad habit of that unless it's something the kids need.
Yup. Procrastinated. I wrote this a few hours ago. Guess I'm enjoying my " Calm before the Crazy" of this week. Better go get things done and organized now.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Today and Questions
I figured I needed to start writing in this blog. I started last year, with a plan to write in it every day. But I just didn't. I'm not entirely sure why, but I need the outlet. I took my notes from facebook on Noah's Perthes and posted them here. I will continue to write about that, as well as everything else. I've been asked several questions regarding Noah's disease. The main one being " Are you going to home school him now?" or suggesting that I DO home school him so he doesn't feel different.
No. I'm not going to home school him now. Kids with more severe problems go to school just fine. And what kind of message would I be sending to my son if I kept him home, against his wishes? He needs to feel as normal as possible, have the socialization, and learn to deal with this. I cannot shelter him forever. As much as *I* would like to keep him here with me all the time. It's just not a good idea. He needs to know that we view him as no different than any other child, because he's not, he just has limitations right now. Like I've said, we're going to give him every opportunity that we can so he doesn't feel like he missed out on as much. I also believe that sending my son to school, will give him confidence. HE WANTS to go to school. And I'm not going to stop him, I want him to try his best.
Speaking of opportunities, thank God for my Mother. She and I do not always see eye to eye. But I couldn't ask for a better Mom. She is so supportive of us. She is paying for Noah's swimming lessons. He's going to take private lessons to start out with. He loves to get in the pool, that's a good thing, because that's going to be the best way to exercise his legs. I also am looking into an art class locally, as well as some horse back riding. Ideally, I want him to swim once a week, take an art class a couple times a month, and ride a few times a month. I might get Abby into riding horses with him at some point in a year or so if I can. She LOVES horses. " Like Mother, like Daughter"
Anyways. Jerry will be coming home soon. That is going to be a relief. We miss him. He misses us too. He hates not being here, especially with everything going on lately. He got his wedding ring in the mail! I got him a new one, he lost his other one on the beach and was so broken up about it. So we got him a new one. Unfortunately, it's a little too big, but at least he's not feeling naked anymore.
I cleaned the twin's room last night. Talk about a chore. They've sure become destructive together! Partners in crime. They take every piece of clothing out of their dressers and every toy out of the box, and stash sippy cups in every little dark nook and cranny. It's no wonder I can never find them. Grossness!
I'm going to have to clean Noah's room today for him too. I told him last night he needed to clean it today. But he had a bad night. His leg only seems to hurt at night, and it did last night. This morning he's limping pretty bad.
I'm not touching Abby's room though. I told her to stop destroying it. But she did anyways and refused to help pick up.
Speaking of, heres a funny. The other night Noah helped me pick up her room, she just sat there in her little chair. I said " Abby help us pick up YOUR mess, please" and she goes " No. My ass hurts" ( WHA?!) So Noah goes " That's probably because you've been sitting on it so much" Rofl.
Anyways. Lots to do so I better wrap this up. I have the rest of the house to clean, we're going to work in the garden, my Mom is coming over to visit, and I have a care package for a soldier that needs packed.
Update on Noah After Seeing the Orthopedist
So, early this morning. We went to what I tell Noah is the " bone doctor" he basically did a confirmation and delivered some pretty heart breaking news. What Noah has is Legg-Calve-Perthes. It's a form of osteonecrosis, that occurs in children, mostly boys.
Basically, what we already knew. The hard part? Noah is not allowed to run, jump, ride a scooter, play sports, or anything similar at ALL, for the next 3 YEARS while the cells build the bone back up. In short, his body needs to make a new bone. If he doesn't rest, the bone won't heal, and can collapse as he gets older. We have to go in every 3 months for xrays to check progress and determine whether anything else needs to be done other than restricted activity. Crappy part? After doing some research. It appears that even after the 3 years, if it doesn't heal, he could need surgery, etc. So I may very well be making him miserable when the outcome could be the same.
How ever am I supposed to tell my active 5 year old he can't play like a normal little boy? He can't run around his backyard with his sister? Play the same as the other kids at school? I've been telling him today his bone has an owwie and it's very important that he not run, jump, or climb. He seems to be ok with that. But for how long?
I'm so angry and sad. I feel like pieces of his childhood were just snatched away from him and us.
Crappy part number 2? He has an arch in his foot. His Orthopedist said not a lot, but he does. He also said that only 10% of kids his age have an arch. By the time children get to be about age 11? 75% do. DAMN that doctor he saw. He may have had a quicker recovery if she would have done her job or knew what the hell she was talking about. Thank God I didn't take her word on it forever. Number 3? She also is the one who saw Abby for her "pidgeon foot" and Natalie's "bow leggedness". " Oh, they'll be fine, just stretch their legs" Fat chance in hell now lady. They're going to another doctor ASAP. I will be also be at least filing a complaint.
Well, I guess I should stop ranting now. We're trying to stay positive for Noah and make this as easy for him as possible. One of the staff there today referred to him as a " disabled child." I was looked at like I had two heads when I told them " No. He is not disabled. He has temporary limitations" And it is the truth. I'm going to do everything in my power to make his life be as normal as possible until this is better. My Mom and I sat down, called Jerry, and made lists today of activities he can do besides the obvious. Swimming, light horse back riding, art classes, walks, mini golf, photography, gardening, trips to new places, etc.
In addition. I'm not giving up on this. I'm going to try and find a specialist, and do more research. There hasn't been much research done on this disease AT ALL. They don't even know what causes it. The Orthopedist said it's " Idiotism. Where the idiot doctors don't know what the heck is going on" Leave it to my son to get something difficult ;)
I almost burst into tears earlier. He ran into the living room waving a picture he made for me. At the top was written " MOMN" he was so proud I couldn't stand to lecture him on running, so I just reminded him not to after and cuddled him for the picture.
Ugh... I want my baby to be perfectly healthy and be able to do everything he's been planning. Life sucks and I demand that this transfer from him to me. Wishful thinking...
Thanks again everyone for the nice comments and messages. We really appreciate it.